
The Fix A Friend Spay Neuter Clinic is supported by Adopt an Angel in an effort to reduce area pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our local animal shelters.  We thank you for supporting our work.  See the many ways that you can donate towards our cause below:

The Spay a Stray Fund
Save cats fix them We also have a special fund set up for free roaming cats whose owners have abandoned them and they have become neighborhood cats. This will help us reduce unwanted litters being born in the wild, living on the streets and subject to horrible deaths or taken to local Animal Shelters for euthanasia.
The Help a Neighbor Fund
helping hands This fund is designed to help those who cannot afford to get their animals altered. Many people want to do the right thing but don’t have the funds to do so. This fund helps us bridge the gap between what they can pay and the cost of surgery.
The JoCe Fund
dog and kittens JoCe was a wonderful surrogate mother to many litters of foster puppies and kittens. Many litters of puppies are turned into local Animal Shelters each year. There are not enough homes for them all. This means many perfectly healthy, beautiful puppies will be put to sleep solely because of bad luck. This fund will pay to alter the mother of these litters as well as any other dogs in the household and to alter the puppies once they are old enough.
The Emergency Medical Fund
Charlie We see too many animals hit by cars, shot and beaten /abused in our area. This fund is to help those who need immediate life or death emergency care.
The General Fund
cat with tipped ear Used as needed. Money in this fund may be moved into one of the other funds or may, for example, be used to buy a needed piece of equipment.